Until now, the worm makes dihewan our domestic problems, especially on our favorite dog ..Worms are the animal types of parasites in the dog's body, because the worms live in 2 (two) the place, which is living in the digestive tissues (intestine base) and there is life in the body tissue that is present in HEART, LUNG, HEART.Worm worm is very worrying us as a loving dog, even extremely deadly in our pets because worms that accumulated in the body of the animal.Therefore it is very necessary because we consider the problem of worms in our pets, especially puppies, puppy because since in the womb of its mother, had deposited eggs inside the worm plasentanya.sehingga born puppy was brought seed worms, and after excluding the child suckle on parent, so that the child is deposited back diluarpun beni worms who participated through its mother's milk.
So it is not uncommon puppies at the age of 3 weeks or a few days the puppy had diarrhea stools like chili seeds, mean seed worms or eggs are hatched within the body of the puppy. So at age 3 weeks is not unusual for a puppy is that what happened dysentery The immediate if not addressed will lead to weakness in the puppy including anemia and lack of iron in the body of the puppy. Thus in the weak position of the puppy is a virus in the body of children rose vorvo dog, causing a fatal cardiovascular death and transmitting it to several relatives.
By because it is to prevent undesirable things like the above, should the puppy at the age of 2 weeks we must also write to the puppies worm medicine is for young worm seed quickly eradicated with weight adjusted dose or a dose of 300 mg / 10 kg of body weight. Over the past 2 or 3 days. (Using albendazole + levamizole. To avoid mencret. / Deare)
But remember to this day there is no any kind of worm medicine that can kill the worm eggs, it means that we turn off until today is the worm only, and not their eggs. Meaning:Every day the worm eggs hatch, so at age 2 weeks the worm has become mature and ready to lay back and beyond a dog's life age.
WHY dysentery?For tapeworms and hookworms in particular, he has a small tusk and attached to the intestinal wall, when the worms were moved to leave the place where the bite wounds bleeding and blood borne soiling (depending on the total number of worms).
For intestinal worms, what if a puppy gets food, worm food, but at no terisinya food and in the gut is empty, then the worms gnawing the intestinal wall so that the occurrence of severe dysentery reply.At the moment this is where the puppy becomes very weak dikarnakan keluar.yang amount of blood is usually also accompanied by severe Deare that causes weakness because a lot of blood and electrolyte substances in the body that comes out and exploited by the worm which resulted in the death of what if not carefully handled .
GRANT OF MEDICINE WORMSGiving puppies worm medicine should unt starting from age 2 weeks with delivery of 2 or 3 days unt initial cleanup.
Giving helminthic repeated 1 week later with a generous 2 consecutive days.
Granting then performed 2 weeks (2 days) and performed with the routine until her puppies until the age of 7 months, for a puppy to grow with baik.dan to break the cycle of development of worms in the body.
Giving helminthic after chicks were 7 months of age should be performed routinely every month.
If the administration of drugs and length of worms too far once Mis 3 months / 6 months, so that worms have evolved over many, so the dog at age 7 months or more lots arise masalah.diantaranya: fussy eaters, (many find meat), his body can not be fat , dogs always lesuh, and have unpleasant breath, frequent vomiting vomiting, karma infected lung and liver. so that the development of the puppy can not develop properly dikarnakan dog blood deficiency partially exploited by the worm worm tissues.
BODY NETWORK WORMSWhat kind of worm tissue when it is too much (liver flukes, lung, heart,) can be resolved after the use of worm medicine albendazole + LEVAMIZOLE with routine after the use of 80 doses / after administration of 80 x.
Based on the use of worm medicine is divided into 2 (two), namely:Local 1.Penggunaan, Namely unt worms that live on the surface of the intestine egAscaris lumbricoides (C.gelang), Oxiyuris vermicularis (C.kremi), Ankylostoma duodenale (C.tambang), and adult worms Ribbon. C.cambuk.
Systematic 2.Penggunaan, to worms that live dijaringan body (flaria, onkosper / larval tapeworms, heartworms, heart worms, lung worms, and worms eye.
De-worming should be given in a state of the gut is empty or full stomach dipuasakan.dalam patients, worms and worm collects full formClots are protected by their own mucus and impenetrable antehelmintika.
In high doses Vermisid efficacious, so that the worms expelled were dead and destroyed together faeces.apabila want to see what kind of worms should be given in doses ninimum, so the worms come out is still intact (vermifuga).
Treatment of worms that often cause reinfection, should dibrantas through terpadu.dan program followed by administration of antibiotics as the wound healing and kaolin to coat the bowel wall injury.
DRUG TYPE WORMS.Pirantel, PRACIQUANTEL, FABANTEL (located on Combantrin, Konvermex, Drontal.ZIPIRAN) The type of worm medicine is used only to eradicate intestinal worms surface course and the course have side effects Deare.
Albendazole is used to worm tissues and digestive / intestinal) type of medication this worm has no side effects Deare1. LEVAMISOLE used to eradicate intestinal worms / intestine and lung) this kind of worm medicine has no side effects Deare.
Handling after drug administration should be followed by worm fe vitamins and zinc, / with the provision of FE and B12 or by injected INTRAFER - 200 B12/hematopan that serves as the treatment of anemia due to process an unbalanced state of nutrition, due to parasitic diseases and infectious diseases . with blood loss and iron deficiency and vitamin b12 ..
Giving worming program by regularly serves also as a vaccine program in usya 7 weeks (EURICAN 4) or 2 months with eurican 6 ..
Worm-free puppies mean your puppy is free from VARVO highly lethal disease.
This article is based on experience and real practice for 8 years with very satisfactory results in the care of a puppy to adulthood. And accountable.
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