Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

Employee motivation and productivity - How You motivate others as little as possible

Employee motivation and employee productivity can be difficult. Have you ever think people could be described as capable and talented, but they are just "go through the motions" of the indicator, and thus the minimum? You might ask yourself: "Where is the motivation?
What can be done in the above scenario is that these talented, motivated people that can be displayed in the workplace and not as little as possible without getting fired!
The definition of motivation - the inner drive that compels behavior. Therefore I say to someone, "just not motivated" is simply not possible. Employee motivation begins with understanding that within every man, there's an inner drive that compels behavior. In other words, everyone has the motivation. Criminals are motivated, like you and me .. just another way to achieve different results. All of us behave as we do, because it is an internal drive so-called "motivation."
One of the questions which arise in the above definition: "If the motivation comes from within, this means that staff motivation and productivity may not be for some people?" This is a big issue. Let's take a closer look at employee motivation and productivity, and how can we get from the people.
The first step is to understand that we all have a "want" in key areas such as the life of the financial, health, relationships, business / career, spiritual and recreational. Vision in these areas, and our road to meet them, we determine the motivation and productivity. If there is a "gap" between where we are and where we want to be an internal drive "kick" to somehow close the gap.
Given the above, every interaction of people, motivating and de-motivates them. Every interaction "raises a mirror" if they see themselves in relation to where they want to be. The words and actions to immediately report to the people: the relationship is not moving them toward or away from the desired location. If people experience as a barrier to having more of what they want, you can "hold back" in productivity. More effort is not worth enough for them, so it would seem that there is no motivation.
Now I know better. They are motivated ... but in a different direction than you. Sometimes it does not take much to affect a person's motivation and productivity.
A friend of mine is the number one seller of a company. Once told me that he is zero motivation to win a sales contest for a fully paid trip to Cancun for 10 days with his wife. Why?
His children were not included in the trip. If he and his wife are leaving on vacation, I wanted the kids with them. Since this was not the case, then I can be very creative in order to schedule, so the second place in the tournament without losing a long-term commissions. Granted, the company's quarterly bottom line would be lower, but so can my friend get what he wanted - a family vacation from his perspective.
As a friend of mine, we all motivation towards what you want, and away from what we do not want.
If the head of my friend asked, "What would you do as much motivation to win this race?" ... Have heard my friend says, "Just give me four days at Disney World with my wife and kids, then get out of my way and watch me win this thing." A simple question to my friend would have made a difference in the motivation to win, but the manager did not ask him.
If you are interested in what people want and help them make more, you can ignite staff motivation and productivity in the direction you desire.
Do you struggle with the business productivity and employee motivation? Are you desperately trying to find a way to increase productivity and motivate some employees? You are about to throw in the towel, because I think some people may not be motivation? If so, consider that you can not get enough of what they want and, therefore, seems to be little motivation.
How do I find out what the workers want? Try to get them. If the productivity and motivation is low because important things are not met, you may need to increase productivity and turn things up by finding a way to work a means of getting what they want.

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